0403 305 424


Michele, the Principle Instructor at Be Still & Chill, is passionate about how effective personalised Pilates programs can be. She uses Massage & Pilates to balance your body, mind and spirit. Reduce tension, swelling & pain. Boost energy, stability, strength, endurance & immunity.

Your initial session will include a postural and movement assessment. You will create your own program with Michele, personalising your program totally suited to your body, mind and goals. Bringing you back into balance so you can be the best YOU possible.

Choose small groups 3:1, Duos or private 1×1 sessions. Private session recommended for acute & chronic injuries.

You’ll get loads of individual attention. Even in the small group classes, you are always practicing your own program. Balancing your body from head to toe. Gaining more endurance, strength, stability, flexibility and of course, core awareness & strength with our Reformer, High Barrel and Wunda Chair as well as more traditional & modern Pilates equipment.

Pilates is great for injury rehabilitation as well as support during pregnancy, postnatal period and menopause. Pilates is highly recommened in preparation for hiking, skiing, marathons, pre-surgery & also helps during post-surgery recovery.

Michele has over 10,000hrs of training which means she highly skilled and passionate about movement and your body. We keep our class numbers small so you get loads of love and attention.

What’s great about Pilates?

  • Pilates is great for improving your mental and physical health.
  • It improves your posture and balance, increases your flexibility and strength, while releasing tension.
  • Pilates also boosts serotonin levels to give you a deeper sleep.
  • Resistance training within Pilates increases bone density, muscle, joint strength and stability.
  • Pilates is a great way to exercise your brain, giving you body awareness and co-ordination. A regular routine will connect your mind to your body and give you meditative skills to quieten the mind.
  • Pilates is used to rehabilitate from injuries and during post surgery recovery. It reduces the chance of re-injury and improves your sporting and dance abilities.
  • Pilates is a great low impact exercise you can do during pregnancy to prepare your body for labour, as well as postnatal to help you find your pre pregnancy body again.
  • Regular Pilates sessions during pregnancy can reduce length of labour and decrease your recovery time

Call Michele for an appointment 0403 305 424.


We are available Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. As classes are small, you must book in advance so you won’t miss out. Call us if you have any questions.




Group classes 3:1 range from $27 – $49 per session.

Casual single session $49

5 pack $245

10 pack $440

20 pack $780

30 pack *Special *- 3 sessions per week see wellbeing package below

Looking for a Boost to Your Body?

Michele has developed a 10 Week Pilates Challenge to give your body a kickstart.  She has done it twice after having each of her children and she’s ready to kick off another one to give her body a boost…of strength, energy and wellbeing. Click the button below to see her before and after pictures.

“What is interesting about this Challenge or what I prefer to call now a Wellbeing package, is that I created it knowing it is my happy place mentally and physically to practice 3 times a week Pilates for 1hr sessions. Alongside the old adage from Joseph Pilates himself-

‘In 10 sessions you will feel the difference , in 20 sessions you will see the difference and in 30 sessions you will have a whole new body.’

With this in mind I knew 3 sessions a week over 10 weeks I would be in a much better position physically and mentally. It turned into a wellbeing package as most of my clients that begin the 10 week process end up continuing the 10 week package of sessions 3 x per week as they realise its a great routine to keep in for their general health.”

Click the button to find out more. sessions are 2 x Studio sessions in Freshwater and 1x Zoom session.

Specialising in Injury Rehabilitation & Women’s Health